
Create a simple practice Web page Table with the following features:

01 Properly start a new page with all the appropriate tags: <html> <head> <title> <body>
02 Build the table with two columns and five rows
03 Set the border of the table to 3 pixels with a border color of gray
04 Set the cellpadding to 6 pixels
05 Merge the two columns in the first row, then enter and center the words "Sales Summary"
06 Use the background-color style attribute to change the background for the second row to gray
07 Set the width of the first column to 200px (if you set one cell width it to work for all cells in the column)
08 Enter the word "Item" in the 1st column of row two, enter and right align the word "Price" in the 2nd column of row two
09 Enter the names of some items and prices of those items in the remaining rows
10 Insert one last row, and add an image in the left cell, then add a working hyperlink in the right cell


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Save your file as Tables-YourLastName.htm and preview it in your browser.