Server Side Include Files

Create a simple practice Web page with the following features:

01 Properly start a new page with all the appropriate tags: <html> <head> <title> <body>
02 Add a navBar and Footer and some sample page content in between and confirm that it displays
03 Save the new file as includeDemo.shtml (this assumes SSI is turned on for the Web server)
04 Highlight and cut only the navBar code and paste it into the a new file
05 Save the new file with the only the navBar code as navBar.htm
06 Insert <!--#include file="navBar.htm"--> where the previous navBar code was
07 Notice you cannot preview includeDemo.shtml on your local computer
08 Upload both the includeDemo.shtml and navBar.htm files to your server
09 Open includeDemo.shtml on the server and confirm navBar.htm now displays correctly
10 Follow the same steps and create a footer.htm file and call it with an include statement


Validation checks the syntax of your file, looking for both errors and possible issues when viewing your page in a browser. Some of the problems reported are missing end tags, missing characters, invalid attributes, incorrect nesting of elements...
 your file, see: