One of the more important things to do as you start a new WordPress site is to figure out what theme to select. Perhaps you already know of an existing WordPress site that you really like. And you would like to develop your site so that it has the same basic appearance as that really nice site, but with your styles, your colors, and your images and text. So, the question is: How do you find out what WordPress theme that great site is using?
The first thing to do is to confirm that the site is indeed a WordPress site. You can do this by opening the site on a browser such as Chrome or Firefox, then right-click on a webpage and choose View Page Source from the right-click shortcut menu. This will allow you to see that background HTML source code generated or used to create that particular web page.

You can then scroll down or do a search (Ctrl + F) for “WordPress” which may display a line like:
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 5.2.2" />
Now we know the site is indeed a WordPress site.
Another way is to confirm that the site a WordPress site is to search the HTML source code for “wp” which may display a line like:
In this case, the wp-content folder on the server, has a subfolder named themes that contains the escapade theme which was the first theme used by the site.
Another way to discover what theme is being used is to visit, which is a WordPress Theme Detector app. Simply type in the website URL address in the Site to check box and tap [Enter] – and the theme name, theme description, and its features will be displayed. Now, that you know the name of the theme, as you create your new WordPress site, you can choose Appearance > Themes > [Add New] and enter the desired theme in the search box, then after it is located click [Upload Theme] and finally [Activate] it.